I had my final last night. I'm so thankful I studied my butt off. We'd had 11 previous tests in the class. This was harder than them combined! As I've mentioned numerous times I only needed 40 points to get an A in the class. I'm actually worried. I'm going to call the teacher tomorrow and ask for an update. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Now for my ramblings on TV. I'm an addict...I admit it! Since I'm also a huge book worm I figure it balances out. Now tonight is Tuesday. Previously my all time favorite TV night. NCIS and the Unit. Cane wasn't too bad either and then Miami Ink. I'm seriously as in SERIOUSLY pissed at cbs. I can't even get reruns of the unit right now and no word as to whether or not its coming back. Ok...enough of my not getting the Unit rant. Then there is Dancing with the Stars. I can't believe that Jason Taylor was in the bottom 2! WTF is that all about?!!!? I would have been most unhappy if he was eliminated tonight. I just think he's the most adorable thing ever! He seems like such a nice guy and total family guy too...gotta love that! I just hate when nice guys finish last! Ok enough TV rant
I'm getting ready to wrap up this semester and start planning for the summer. I've got to get the house clean and keep it up so things are happy and PB and I can live here. I also need to get ready to homeschool PB this summer. I've never done this before so I'm really at a loss here. I just want to have some sort of schedule for her and keep that little brain motivated, kwim? Now my thing is that homeschooling seems like it can be expensive. Not good for a single mom of a special needs child. Money is not our friend right now! So I'm trying to find some fun education things to do with this kid. I'm so darn nervous about her starting kindergarten it isn't even funny. I also found out that the school day is being shortened. They only had 6.5 hours before now it will be shortened by 45 minutes. Is that really all our kids are worth? I'm so angry. How much learning really happens but the time you have lunch and restroom breaks and general transitions. So now there will be harried teachers, less easy productive transitions and general chaos trying to get things done.
Ok, that is my random rants for the night! If anyone has any homeschool resources for prek/ kindergarten that are free or very inexpensive please feel free to let me know! If you have a relative at cbs please let them know to bring back the Unit! Ok..I'm getting slap happy. Time for a shower and sleep! The beauty of lavendar oatmeal soap is beckoning!
Even if you homeschool, your child is entitled to a free education. You should be able to get everything you need from the state (or school district) and you can also write off some things on your taxes. I have a few resources, I'll see what I can find.
If you could tell me how to make that happen in actuality (and not just in theory) I'd name my next kid after you (well if I have one and its a girl!). Its such a mess. We've been so lucky in that she's had the most incredible teacher in the world for the last two years and her OT is absolutely wonderful too. I like PT well enough and respect her and then there is PBs Speech therapist. That's why I still have her at Easter Seals but she's getting the boot there at the end of the summer. It just kills me. Whenever I ask the speech therapist a question the answer is always "Speech is a progress" Insert bullseye and bang head!
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