Princess Bear & I had a fun day. She had swimming lessons this morning. That child loves the water! Next week we're going to try moving her up a group. That means I won't be in the water with her. This might be interesting!!! Afterwards I took her to a drive in restaurant in town called Lou's. I've never taken her there before and she had a ball. "We're not going in and we're not driving thru?" Nope...we sit here and its brought to the car & we eat it here. Just blew her little mind! Then it was time for some vegging out/ Dora watching. My sister, bil and darling nephew stopped by for a bit as well.
So I forgot one of the most important things I'd like to learn. Digiscrapping!!! I love doing my regular scrapbooking but the funds aren't always available. I'm pretty crafty so this seems like it could be fun!!
Now on to things I like:
1) Homemade laundry detergent. I don't know what it is but my clothes are so much softer!
2) When a new book is released in a series I've been reading. Fern Michaels latest in the Sisterhood series came out. I like Fern Michaels and this series has a basis that is very easy to relate to.
3) That summer TV series are starting. I'm loving Sunday nights! Army Wives & In Plain Site!
4) Gooseberry Patch. I cannot say enough about their cookbooks! Its like going to a church potluck where everyone brings something delicious and then all the recipes are compiled and printed! I like their Christmas decorating ideas as well! Very cozy. Not prim but cute & comfy feel. Does that make sense?
5) Toys that my child likes & will actually play with! Oh happy day!
So what are some of your favorite things? What do you wish you could learn?
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