Friday, January 28, 2011

4 Questions about me

I read this over at Jen on the Edge yesterday and decided I would give this a spin. Then I found out about winning the Box Imagination Co contest and detoured a bit. Now I'm back front and center! Although I promise I cannot pick one answer for each question!

1) If you could have been best friends with someone in history, who would it be and why?
Well for the homesteading, living a meaningful life part of me I would have to go with Scott and Helen Nearing



(yes, that is 2 people but really only one choice!)

and then for the crafty side of me Martha Stewart.


I love Martha! She's so the bomb and she's Polish to boot! My mom says that I'm a mix between Martha and Phoebe from Friends....not so sure if that's good or bad!

2) If you could have dinner with a famous person in current times, who would it be and why?
Ok Jen I know this will have you shaking your heading muttering but I would want to have dinner with Glenn Beck because I adore him! He never wants you to take his word for it. He tells you to question things and to read and make your own decisions!


and I'd also want to have dinner with Jenny McCarthy- didn't see that one coming did you?


Its because of her stand on autism. Now in some ways I really hate how much time and money is given to autism but she's a mom who really fought for her child and found things that helped him and I find it really inspirational. Then if you wanted to make me a really happy camper you could throw in a dinner with Max Martini Photobucket
Dwayne Johnson Photobucket
or Howie Long Photobucket

just so I could sit there and drool for awhile. Honestly- these are some seriously hot dudes!!!

3) What is your favorite book/books and why?
OK- for a book with substance and meaning I have to go with Golda by Elinor Burkett (a biography of Golda Meir)
For laugh out loud funny I love the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich, for fun mysteries with great recipes the Hannah Swenson books by Joanne Fluke are great, I'm loving the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr and my old stand bys are Debbie Macomber, Fern Michaels and Nora Roberts. I love Fern Michaels Sisterhood series because the premise of extracting your own justice is something I think every woman wishes she could do at one time or another. Lastly, the book He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt is an awesome look into the guy mind.
Go ahead, wonder on over to Amazon and read about them- bet you'll find something in my list that works for you!

4) What is your favorite smell and why?
OK- what time of year is it?
I love lavender, vanilla and clove and various spices if we're going with natural scents.


Unfortunately when I smell that I really, really, REALLY want one of these!


Not a good thing!

If we're talking about perfume scents my all time favorite is LouLou


which isn't even sold in the US anymore (anybody going to Europe soon????) and my backups are Casmir and Hypnotic Poison

So any shockers here? Let me know if I surprised you!


Jen on the Edge said...

Nope, I'm not shaking my head and muttering over Glenn Beck. At the very least, the dinner conversation would be interesting and stimulating.

Did you know that Howie Long lives in my town? He's a nice looking man, to be sure, but what's most striking about him is how HUGE he is. A total brick wall. Massive. You'd think that I'd feel that way because I'm 5' 4", but my husband if 5' 10" and actually physically ran into him at the deli one day and said he's massive and totally all brick.

Sarah said...

Jen- I'm having OMG heart palpatations!!!! NO!!! I didn't know that Howie Long lived where you do. How awesome is that? He's supposed to be a very nice man too. He is huge! That is the kind of guy I LOVE!!! I love watching him on the pregame show because he just dwarfs Terry, Strahan(?), the Coach & Curt. Man- I man need to wonder that way with my handy dandy cardboard box and play my stalker role- just kidding!!! I'm totally jealous of your husband! :)

I agree- I think dinner with Glenn would be very interesting! The one really big thing I don't agree with him on is global warming. Actually even if you don't believe its as bad as what is projected I still don't understand not trying to treat the earth as well as possible for your childrens sake. Just me I guess!