First of, the name- Sarah’s Soap Worthy Life. I’ve always felt that at different times in my life I would qualify for my own TV show; either a sitcom or a soap. I’ve actually mentioned this theory to my family a few times over the years at the holidays when we’re all together. You take my life and add more family & I’m just constantly amazed that NBC is knocking on our door!
Now on to the widgets on the right hand side!
Contest/ Giveaway Button
When I have a contest or giveaway going on I will link it here. (There's one going on now!) I will also try to link to other great contests as well!
Email Button
Please tell me I don’t have to explain this one to you!
The Animal Rescue Site link.
This is a great thing to do. You click on a button once a day (they’ll even send you a daily email with a reminder link if you want!) and it helps fund food for animal shelters and sanctuaries!
Mountain Rose Herbs link.
I am an affiliate for this site. They have great essential oils, bulk herbs and spices and organic teas! Check it out!
That Family Tree Society.
Click this and you’ll go to a very funny blog.
About Me Once again pretty self explanatory right?
Great Places to shop links.
These are all places that I’m an affiliate for. Check them out if you have a minute! (Yes this is a shameless plug on my part!)
Freebie Friday & Organization Junkie links.
More great blogs to check out! link.
More for me than you guys. I can click on this in the morning and do a quick weather check & see how to dress Princess Bear for the day! I’m not a big news watching person. First of all I don’t like for PB to see the news (seriously it’s a bit much for a 5 year old don’t you think?) so I tend to check news links a few times a day online which works except for a daily weather check!
My Blog list
This list is always changing. Sometimes I’m getting rid of some. Sometimes I’m adding. I’m going to add some of the holiday ones to the Christmas blog I want to start. Have any favorite blogs you think I should check out? Let me know! (Leave a comment or use that cute email button!- sorry I couldn’t resist!)
Blog archive
Again do I need to explain?
Daily Pet Quotes. I’m a big animal lover and this has some great quotes and adorable pics!
Daily Quote. Non animal but still occasionally really good!
Now on to the widgets at the bottom of the blog postings
- A growth line for how old Princess Bear is
- How many days until Halloween (my second favorite holiday)
- Two Christmas countdowns (because one is never enough!)
- My playlist jukebox. I went mostly old school with this one.
- My Virgo Horoscope. I love the Are you Compatible with Sarah part at the bottom. So far NO ONE IS COMPATIBLE with me…surprise, surprise! I’m not a total horoscope junkie but I am 50% Polish and superstitious so I like taking a peek at it when I remember!
- My blog counter
So there you have it! All about my blog! My friend Jeremy is working on a blog header for me so I can’t wait to share that. I also want to figure out how to update the blog for fall without losing all my info. Hmmm something to ponder after my chem test!
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