Saturday, April 4, 2009

Still here!

Yep- Still here! Still alive. We're still sick though and I'm trying to get some rest. Yesterday my mom & I both went to the Dr. who says its completely viral and only time will help. He did put me on more prednisone since my breathing is so bad due to the virus. We've had this for over a month! I'm so sick of being sick!!! Today my best friend & I took Princess Bear and Katie (My best friends niece) to a fire station. Jessi (my best friend) is dating a firefighter & everytime PB's school went she's been sick. Andy really went all out & the girls had a blast! They got to ride in the truck, spray the hose & try on the helmet. Big fun was had by all. I'll try to post pics soon! Now I'm off to get some more barrettes ready for the salon and get some sleep!

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