Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A quiet few days

Princess Bear went to school for a 1/2 day on Monday and it completely wore her out.  She actually had started to fall asleep in science class so I was glad I picked her up at lunch time.  She came home ate, played a bit and then took a very long nap.  Yesterday morning she was still very tired so I kept her home again.  It was a day filled with lots of sleeping for both of us.  Today school was cancelled due to the snow that happened in the middle of the night.  Once again PB slept for 12 hours.  This ick is really kicking her bottom.  Right now she's sitting here in the family room coloring and watching The Sound of Music.  She's become a bit obsessed with the Julie Andrews version.  She loved the Carrie Underwood version much to my chagrin.  My mom DVR'd the Julie Andrews version at Christmastime.  I adore that version and ruined my copy of the album from playing it so much when I was growing up.  So, here we sit watching this ageless film and I'm trying not to worry about the fact that my daughter is sitting still for a decent amount of time.  It's so unlike her.  I'm glad she's giving her body the rest it obviously needs but it scares me a bit (ok a lot).  Tomorrow is supposed to be frigid temperatures so I'm hoping that school is cancelled again.  Once I get past the worry it's nice to have some quiet cuddle time with my Princess!

1 comment:

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

ha ha - love the Farm Kings. Thanks so much for the lovely comments posted on my blog. You are too kind. I love your wit - reading your posts has me laughing out loud. :)